

We are blessed with an incredible team of talented and Godly leaders in our congregation. Meet some of the faces that have been working diligently for God's kingdom and God's purpose in our church.

Meet our team...


South Hills Church of Christ is a community pulling together to love God, to love His church, and to love the people He has created. We are a "back to the Bible" church and find unity by following the model that scripture describes for Christians and God's church.

More doctrine...

History & Mission

Founded in 2011, South Hills Church of Christ emerged from the unification of three Helena congregations - Rocky Mountain Church of Christ, Helena Church of Christ, and Big Sky Church of Christ. Through shared activities like youth missions and VBS, these congregations discovered the strength of working together. Today, we continue this spirit of unity as we grow together in faith and service to our Helena community.

History & mission
History & Mission